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A shoot'em up space fighter game. This addicting game uses Flash 8, so you will need to update your browser flash player. Click here to update your version of Flash (it's free).
While in the game, you will have many things to work with such as your shields, your hull, your ship laser, and of course ....enemies :-)
In most cases the pre-charged laser will do, but if there are a lot of enemies to deal with, an easy way to clear them is to charge up your laser, depending on how long you hold it for you will get a much more deadly blast. While charging you will see the laser status bar change color and increase in size.
The most important part of staying alive is your hull, keep this from getting damaged, your shield is an excellent feature that allows you to take in 1 hit per second without getting harmed, but don't rely on it all the time.
The shield absorbs minor hits to your ship, but it can't take constant blasts 1 after the other. With every hit it should take a second to recharge, if you don't watch your shield, you'll have a defenseless hull just waiting to get hit.

Mouse and left mouse button to aim and shoot respectively.
Holding the left mouse button down for a while charges up your laser gun so it can wipe out more enemy ships.
Press the ~ key (top left of keyboard) to activate a menu console in the game.

Console Information
Uniwar is one of the first games (if not the FIRST!!) to have a functioning console.

To access it, press the ~ button, it should be right next to the 1 key on the left.
When you see it click the text box at the bottom of it and you will be able to type a commend

~~Command list~~

Input: Nothing
Output: No variables in use
No values can be set
Objects not found
Or unknown command.

Input: HELP
Output: editable:
effects =
quality =
filtering =
default (resets graphic settings)
Action: Nothing

Input: help
Output: The action `HELP` is case-Sensitive
Action: Nothing

Input: effects = cheesy
Output: Special Effects Quality changed to 'cheesy'
Action: Turn's most special effects off for slower computers.

Input: effects = cool
Output: Special Effects Quality changed to 'cool'
Action: Turn's some special effects off for fast computer computers.

Input: effects = ballistics
Output: Special Effects Quality changed to 'ballistics'
Action: Turn's all special effects on for cutting edge computers.

Input: quality = low
Output: Quality is now set to `LOW`
Action: Set's anti-aliasing to 1x1 (none)

Input: quality = medium
Output: Quality is now set to `MEDIUM`
Action: Set's anti-aliasing to 1x2

Input: quality = high
Output: Quality is now set to `HIGH`
Action: Set's anti-aliasing to 2x2

Input: filtering = on (or filtering = 1)
Output: Bitmap Filtering is ON
Action: Adds filtering to Bitmaps

Input: filtering = on (or filtering = 1)
Output: Bitmap Filtering is already ON
Action: Nothing if already on

Input: reset
Output: N/A
Action: Resets game and variables.

Input: default
Output: Settings have been restored
Action: Sets all graphical settings to default, hides cursor.

Input: clear
Output: consol cleared
Action: Clears the consol

CHEATS: The console will also be a place where you can type in cheat codes :)
Want to know the cheats? Tough luck.


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